The scripts listed here are shown in date order, with the most recent ones first. Click on a title to look at the details of a specific script and see if you would like to read the script or produce the film. You will find information about budget estimates, locations, props, and characters to help you decide.
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If a screenplay has a Production Count against it, that shows how many times a film has been made of that script.
We have added Trigger Warnings where scripts have certain content that depicts or implies the trigger - you have been warned!
Currently filtered by: fantasy
Black Comedy, Fantasy, Car, Office, Three Pages
This sticky situation deals with misplaced transphobia, magic, and a cursed man who is trying to avoid a certain situation. The world of the story accepts whatever someone identifies as, but the practicalities of avoiding the curse make life difficult.
Find out more15-07-2022
Comedy, Fantasy, Bedroom, Two Pages
How old is too old for the tooth fairy?
Our protagonist Rachel has had a tooth removed and insists on taking it home with her from the dentist. Putting it under her pillow that night triggers something, and it's much bigger than she was anticipating. Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? She thinks you should!
Comment available from Lucy V Hay.
Find out more19-08-2018
Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Office, Two Pages
A night out with new friends triggers a strange new ability in the protagonist, who ends up blurting about it to the world on their next vlog recording.
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