
The scripts listed here are shown in date order, with the most recent ones first. Click on a title to look at the details of a specific script and see if you would like to read the script or produce the film. You will find information about budget estimates, locations, props, and characters to help you decide.

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If a screenplay has a Production Count against it, that shows how many times a film has been made of that script.

We have added Trigger Warnings where scripts have certain content that depicts or implies the trigger - you have been warned!

Currently filtered by: science-fiction

The Time Capsule


Drama, Science Fiction, Meeting Room, Village Hall, Three Pages

Placing her message in a time capsule, Sinda meets someone unexpected, is initially disappointed and then, after a prediction comes true, totally bought into their story. Is time travel real, and can she do something about the future of the world?

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The Stopwatch


Drama, Science Fiction, Lift/Elevator, Two Pages

Selling new magic tricks to the Magic Circle is never easy.

Mel has been brushed off and is not in the mood when Al tries to sell her his invention, and the demo almost catches her out… or does it?

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Seeing Senses


Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Office, Two Pages

A night out with new friends triggers a strange new ability in the protagonist, who ends up blurting about it to the world on their next vlog recording.

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