The scripts listed here are shown in date order, with the most recent ones first. Click on a title to look at the details of a specific script and see if you would like to read the script or produce the film. You will find information about budget estimates, locations, props, and characters to help you decide.
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Currently filtered by: car
Black Comedy, Fantasy, Car, Office, Three Pages
This sticky situation deals with misplaced transphobia, magic, and a cursed man who is trying to avoid a certain situation. The world of the story accepts whatever someone identifies as, but the practicalities of avoiding the curse make life difficult.
Find out more10-06-2024
Comedy, Car, House, Three Pages
Are computers taking over the world? Certainly in Barry's life, his car is coming back with attitude and this quirky comedy explores how such a conversation may happen in the not too distant future.
Some imagination and editing flair could have this one zinging off the screen.
Find out more23-08-2022
Drama, Romance, Café, Car, House, Pub, Three Pages
Jed chats with his Gramps on the way home from his 80th birthday party, about life and love. Gramps has a feeling something important is about to happen.
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