The scripts listed here are shown in date order, with the most recent ones first. Click on a title to look at the details of a specific script and see if you would like to read the script or produce the film. You will find information about budget estimates, locations, props, and characters to help you decide.
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If a screenplay has a Production Count against it, that shows how many times a film has been made of that script.
We have added Trigger Warnings where scripts have certain content that depicts or implies the trigger - you have been warned!
Currently filtered by: living-room
Drama, Bedroom, Hallway, House, Kitchen, Living Room, End Of The World, No Dialogue, Two Pages, Trigger - Claustrophobia, Trigger - Natural Disaster, Trigger - Suicide
Something has happened in the world but we can't see what it is through the claustrophobically taped up windows throughout this story, until the protagonist steps outside at the end.
The person playing this part will get to show all sorts of emotion and feeling - an ideal showcase piece.
Find out more30-05-2024
Drama, Living Room, Two Pages
A force-of-nature widow reflects on her husband, Turner, and rebellious daughter, Remi, who is making what her mother thinks are dubious decisions.
There's a darkness to Constance that gets revealed slowly through this monologue as she laments on her daughter's life choices and reflects on her own.
Find out more30-04-2024
Comedy, Living Room, Two Pages
When a tetchy patient misinterprets a medic's request, things get messy, and accusations fly. A comedy about how different cultures and the misuse of words can cause confusion.
Comment available from Simon Cox.
Find out more01-11-2022
Drama, Garage, Living Room, Park, End Of The World, Two Pages, Trigger - Abduction
After 88 days being imprisoned in a garage, Olga is finally freed by her captor, yelling something about dying. Her first instinct is to get home but when she reaches the house, she finds out that the world is about to end.
Find out more18-10-2022
Action, Crime, Thriller, Living Room, Two Pages, Trigger - Sexism, Trigger - Violence
Vic, a scumbag male villain, has the upper hand on two women in this tight thriller until they reveal they are the ones with the true power as they strike out and reverse the situation.
Set in a single room and involving some physical interaction, this script will have the whole crew breathing hard by the end.
Find out more24-08-2022
Comedy, Living Room, Two Pages
A wife's frustration at her husband's interruptions to the TV show they're watching fall spookily in line with the commentary, and she gets the last word.
Comments available from Lucy Linger and Simon Cox.
Find out more19-08-2018
Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Office, Two Pages
A night out with new friends triggers a strange new ability in the protagonist, who ends up blurting about it to the world on their next vlog recording.
Find out more04-07-2018
Comedy, Drama, Living Room, Two Pages
What starts as a heartbroken chat opens up possibilities that bring out the smiles once more.
Find out more04-07-2018
Drama, Thriller, Living Room, Office, Two Pages, Trigger - Violence
What happens if the one paid to listen is not really "in the room"?
Distraction has its price and, in this case, that price might just be too high to bear.
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