The scripts listed here are shown in date order, with the most recent ones first. Click on a title to look at the details of a specific script and see if you would like to read the script or produce the film. You will find information about budget estimates, locations, props, and characters to help you decide.
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If a screenplay has a Production Count against it, that shows how many times a film has been made of that script.
We have added Trigger Warnings where scripts have certain content that depicts or implies the trigger - you have been warned!
Currently filtered by: no-dialogue
Drama, Bedroom, Hallway, House, Kitchen, Living Room, End Of The World, No Dialogue, Two Pages, Trigger - Claustrophobia, Trigger - Natural Disaster, Trigger - Suicide
Something has happened in the world but we can't see what it is through the claustrophobically taped up windows throughout this story, until the protagonist steps outside at the end.
The person playing this part will get to show all sorts of emotion and feeling - an ideal showcase piece.
Find out more18-04-2024
Comedy, Romance, Park, Pub, No Dialogue, Two Pages
Love blossoms in the garden of a pub where two nerds catch each others' eye and use the language of their obsessions to communicate.
Comment available from Zanna Cardash.
Find out more23-09-2022
Drama, Bathroom, Bedroom, No Dialogue, Two Pages, Trigger - Abortion
A woman faces up to the consequences of her actions and makes a big decision in this intense and demanding story with no dialogue.
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