Twice the Fool

  • Jonah Jones
  • 29-May-2024
  • Horror, Hallway, House, Kitchen, Shop, Two Pages


Terry is setting his Mum up for a Halloween surprise, but this twisty horror turns the tables when she finds out exactly what he did. Opportunity for great make-up and a careful shooting schedule to get all the bits right.

Comment available from Zanna Cardash.


Female Characters
Male Characters
Intimacy / Contact
Character Descriptions
Mother and teenage son who can skateboard, plus a couple of police officers.


No. of Locations
Location Description
Joke shop, house with hallway leading into kitchen.
Props Required
Zombie mask, skateboard, makeup for effects

Budget Estimate

How much will it cost to make this film? Nobody knows exactly because you may have people who will help for a discount, or for free if you're very lucky. What we have done is to make a judgement based on estimated production costs and assigned this film to one of our three budget brackets.

How much?!
1. Cheap as Chips
2. Help Required  
3. Deep Pockets


Here are the comments from our panel of screenwriter professionals about this script.

If you want to pack a Zombie movie into just two minutes, this clever script’s for you! A nice concept with an excellent twist and four speaking characters, this piece requires a teenage skateboarder and quite a bit of fake blood, and is a chance to show the make-up department’s skills as well as yours. Great stuff!

What Next?

If you are interested in this screenplay, please send us an email and we will be in touch to help you progress with it. Please let us know what you would like to do next from the selections below.


There is no charge to read this screenplay. We will email you the file and copy in the screenwriter so that they know about your interest in it.


The cost to license this screenplay to make it yourself is just £29.99, of which £20.00 goes to the screenwriter. The rest is our fee to help maintain the site.

Book Recording

The cost to book a recording of this screenplay will be negotiated between you and the crew you pick to make it, whether it be one of ours or your own. Don't forget that you will need to factor in costs for the crew, actors, location, editor, and for sourcing music.