Jonah Jones

Based in England

As a writer - Film: One short script produced.  Co-writer on two more.  One script in production, one in pre-production.  Both feature-length and short scripts have won awards. 

Published:  Short stories and abstracts. 

Stage: Eight plays produced.  Six public rehearsed-reads. 

Radio: Three Short stories and two plays broadcast (BBC). Various pieces for Radio 2, Radio 4 and Radio Wales. Series and programme for Radio Wales. 

TV: Sketches and short scripts for S4C, BBC.  On-line monologue. 

As a director – three short films and a documentary in post-production.

My website is horribly out of date but it's

Our production company -

Jonah Jones

Screenplays by Jonah

Twice the Fool


Horror, Hallway, House, Kitchen, Shop, Two Pages

Terry is setting his Mum up for a Halloween surprise, but this twisty horror turns the tables when she finds out exactly what he did. Opportunity for great make-up and a careful shooting schedule to get all the bits right.

Comment available from Zanna Cardash.

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